Angels on the Horizon

A Safe Place to Heal

1216 Duncan Road Copperas Cove, TX, 76522 USA

PH 254-577-4880, FAX 254-518-5300



$15,000.00 and over

Name on our Angel Tree wall

Logo and name on our website

Two full days Equine Assisted Therapy workshop for 6-8 people

Caps and T-shirts


$10,000.00 - $14,999.00

Name on our Angel Tree wall

Logo and name on our website

One day Equine Assisted Therapy workshop for 6-8 people

Caps and T-shirts


$5000.00 - $9999.00

Logo and name on our website

Half Day Equine Assisted

Therapy workshop for 6-8 people

Caps and T-shirts


$1000.00 - $4999.99

Logo and name on our website

2 hours Equine Assisted Therapy sessions

Caps and T-shirts


$1.00 - $1000.00

Caps and T-shirts



1 session -  $ 100.00

1 month -     $ 400.00

6 months -  $2400.00

1 year -       $4800.00


1 month -    $  1500.00

6 months -  $  9000.00

1 year -       $18,000.00



Covered Arenas


Wheelchair ramp


Complimentary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies not currently covered by insurance but proven to be effective in the treatment of trauma including:

  • Hippotherapy (riding for physical disabilities)

  • Service Dog Training

  • Reiki

  • Yoga

  • Chiropractic

  • Accupuncture, etc.

Intensive Outpatient Program

Angels on the Horizon Foundation, Inc.

is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization located in Copperas Cove, TX, right outside the front gate of Fort Hood Army Base, and we are developing a unique and holistic treatment program to address both the mental and physical needs of our Soldiers, family members, veterans, first responders and others suffering from trauma.  Angels on The Horizon Foundation, Inc. was named after the concept of battlefield angels willing to risk their lives to save another.  

A Safe Place to Heal...

Our mission is to be like “battlefield angels” to those who are suffering from trauma, and to provide services in a safe and natural environment.  Our plan is to raise money in order to provide programs year round that are comprehensive and innovative in the treatment of trauma, and that integrate evidence-based and holistic treatment methods.

Stress and trauma can take hold of a person’s life impairing emotional self-regulation and prevent a normal life from developing.  Left untreated the individual will develop unhealthy coping skills and defenses, from negative beliefs about themselves and others, and become alienated from family and friends.  When the brain is exposed to consistent trauma, it is literally rewired in such a way that it is locked into the thoughts, fears, guilt and emotions of those traumatic experiences long after the event is over. 

Angels on the Horizon Foundation, Inc. covers the cost of providing Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) therapies that are currently not covered under insurance.  These are treatments that are not considered to be standard in the current practice of Western medicine, and include, but are not limited to, Hippotherapy (therapeutic riding for physical disabilities), acupuncture, Chiropractic, Neurofeedback, Reiki, yoga and medical alert service dog training.    

The Department of Defense and the VA increasingly are embracing a wide range of CAM therapies in the treatment of veterans with PTSD. With the increased use of CAM in the military, the over-reliance on medication and direct medical provider care is decreasing. 

By making a tax-deductible contribution you are giving a gift that will help those who have experienced trauma to rewire their brain and to be able to live a healthy and productive life.